Sunday, April 19, 2020

Jobs For Writers - Resume Writing Services Help You Get Started With a Great Career

Jobs For Writers - Resume Writing Services Help You Get Started With a Great CareerGrand Rapids MI is known as the 'Hollywood of the Midwest.' It is a thriving city full of great people, which have been the center of film and television making, and music industries for over a century.In addition to the film industry, there are also many artists who perform and create music in Grand Rapids. Unfortunately, many of these individuals have chosen to focus on their careers. They have failed to find fulfillment by pursuing their artistic passions. However, a career in an artistic field might be just what they need to reawaken their passion for creativity.If you are an artist who would like to pursue your passion, but doesn't have the means to do so, there are several ways that you can still pursue your passion through the art of resume writing. Let's discuss them.By researching the career possibilities and strategies of the big companies in your area, you can get a feel for how these profes sionals operate. You can find out which job openings are free of charge, which has a high salary requirement, and which ones require a sizeable advance deposit. These jobs might be the perfect opportunities for you. If you're smart, you'll be able to secure one of them.There are also some big companies who hire only those who apply. Such companies, like Coca-Cola, will provide you with free resume writing services. In return, you will give your details for jobs.In fact, the advent of gigantic search engines has enabled many aspiring writers to showcase their talents, thus facilitating a large number of people to find the exact opportunities they seek. Of course, this is not a shortcut to the top positions in companies. You will still need to apply for the job, and then follow up on it.The real secret to finding the best opportunities to pursue your dreams is to conduct an extensive research and employ the services of professional resume writing services. In order to get ahead, you n eed to put your heart into writing your own resume, even if the deadline is pushed back by a few months.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

17 Life Lessons They Should Teach in College But Dont

17 Life Lessons They Should Teach in College But Don't An introduction to brevity: Student turns in an essay, professor deletes every other word and shows them how much better it sounds. What I wish I knew when I was your age: A group of octogenarians lecture students on their biggest regrets in life. An introduction to disagreeing with people without sounding like a jerk: Teaches students that equally smart people can disagree with each other. Emphasizes that most of what you think is a product of your upbringing, almost all of which was out of your control. Sometimes life isn’t fair 101: Twenty percent of the class’s homework is randomly deleted. The other 80% get scholarships for no obvious reason. Things you were taught but should quickly forget: A group of business owners tells students what theories their business professors taught that are theoretical nonsense and should be disregarded as soon as possible. An introduction to negotiating with people who are about to rip you off: To be taught by a repentant used-car salesman. Adult free time 202: A three-month college summer break is replaced with seven days annual vacation, to be taken only with a teacher’s approval. Approval requires three months’ notice and is granted no more than 25% of the time. Statistics for real people: Regardless of major. And practical statistics, with real-world problems that you’d actually encounter and can solve with a calculator or Excel. What I wish I knew before I failed: A group of bankrupt business owners share their stories on what not to do. An examination of the easiest ways to ruin your life: Course has three parts: debt, diet, and exercise. Public speaking for introverts. Don’t make it optional. No one will get through life without having to do it at least once. A survey of biases: Students read an old State of the Union address given by a president they disagree with, but told the speech came from a president they admire. After the student glows about how wise the speech is, the true speaker is revealed and the student instantly finds parts of the speech they dislike. Investing for normal people 101: Makes no mention of alpha, beta, portfolio theory, or derivative pricing. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of low fees, the danger of selling low, and the power thinking long term. Humility 101: A test is given on a subject the student feels they are experts in. Everyone fails due to ridiculous technicalities they’ve never heard of. Introduction to grasping reality with both hands: Private university students who try to take out $250,000 in student loans when they’re barely out of puberty are patted on the back and given directions to a high-quality local state university. Real-life behavioral psychology: Students have to make a major life decision in the middle of taking the most stressful math test they’ve ever had. Understanding compound interest 101: Students are given one homework assignment on the first day, two on the next day, four on the next, then eight, 16, 32. Once someone points out how absurd this is the professor says, “Yes, it’s completely absurd. Now go invest your money.” For more: How to pay for college if you’re not rich. How to actually save money. Why you overpay for financial advice. More from The Motley Fool: Warren Buffett Tells You How to Turn $40 into $10 Million Contact Morgan Housel at The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.